Minggu, 20 Januari 2013

Acculturation Time

I'm so sorry...Never updating this blog (sorry to myself)
Have no time, Have no idea, But...overall is too much Facebook...To much writing the comments GAK PENTING and postingan Ga Penting hahahahahaha
Lets say....
This month will get the peak season of winter (snow is also including)
This month started a new English Class ... hmmhmmm.....free class, no charge, ok I'll maximize it.
And this month is coming to New Modul 4...Ouhhh..... -_-
Ceritanya Gini....
Akulturasi dapat terjadi di hal yang tak pernah sama sekali kita duga sebelumnya, Bahkan mungkin di suatu momen yang paling malas that We have to facing with.....But.....Bcoz of many things...We have to do it..
Few days ago. The second meeting of English Class, I met somebody which is from another country..Yang dengan pengetahuan yang rendah ttg Islam..............membatin kubilang "It's my time".
Kira2 seperti ini....
He said "Hah. u pray 5 times a day with 10 minutes once?" (I said in my heart, Itu masih yang wajib lho)
But....I only said...Hey Have you thought that God gives us 24 hours a day, and lets say only 8 hours to sleep. The rest is yours, And then, I think 5 times a day with 10 minutes is a little thing. It's just like Thanks To God for our time.
my second story...
At my first english class....I met a man from Palestine. I was talking about how I curios that country...Sometimes pengen Gw tanya juga sih dgn pertanyaan standar (kyk Wartawan2 gitu) How do you feel with this war? (Tapi jadi ingat kata Gisha, Dasar wartawan tolol...sedihlah..org sedih ditanya How d'u feel---koq jd jauh yah...ok, back to laptop)...But I only said, Most of the people is memorizing Al-Qur'an, allright? He said "yes" Every child was taught Al-Qur'an as soon as possible. I said "Even in the middle of the war?"....How...I'm so proud to them. Oh yah "How many section of Qur'an do u know?". He continued "5-7, maybe"...and then How about you? How many?.........hmhmmmm....(speechless, at first) and then, it's luck if I can memorized 1 section (memalukan...sih.....but, dengan gaya ngeless dikit kubilang" Maybe, it's because Arabic is not our mother language)...ouh (dalam batin....mungkin kami sdh terlalu nikmat dengan apa yang didepan mata kami, tidak sama dengan kalian yang Perang itu memang sdh di depan mata, kami masih berperang dengan diri kami sendiri, bangsa kami sendiri, bahkan dengan sistem kami sendiri yang sudah tercipta sejak lama yang kami takutkan kalo kami juga larut dalamnya) Yup, (dalam hati....perang kalian lebih nyata)
Strugglling with this condition, with the weather, with the assignment, new module and cooking (the last one is my favourite)
I realized, That is only temporary. It's only world.
My heart is feeling empty
So....Bikinlah kami pengajian....Jadi ngajinya bisa bareng2, belajar Al-Qur'an nya bisa bareng2. Dan senangnya, dapat teman2 yang berfikiran yang sama. Dan guru baru yang sudah tinggal di Delft 20 tahun.
And.....The quote i really like when Our teacer said, It's our obligation to learn Al-Qur'an.

Just an ordinary story in Delft, 20 January 2013

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